Olympus OM Zuiko Primes

Olympus OM Zuiko Primes


These Olympus OM Zuiko lenses, expertly rehoused in collaboration with White Point Optics, cover full frame, have very consistent T-stops and have a range of aesthetic qualities comprising vintage and modern. These lenses are sharp and have plenty of contrast but with very pleasing bokeh and fantastic flares.

The 50mm and 55mm have very different looks. The 50mm being the newer and higher quality version, which matches the rest of the set, and the 55mm being the more vintage option with lower contrast, and wilder bokeh. Wide open is a great option for more expressive and dream like images.

Did you know that the donor glass from the 1970s used for the Moviecam lenses is likely to be from the Olympus OM series?

At Pixipixel, we stock all 17 focal lengths available:

  • Olympus OM Zuiko 18mm AUTO-W T4

  • Olympus OM Zuiko 21mm AUTO-W T2.1 cf:7"

  • Olympus OM Zuiko 24mm AUTO-W T2.1

  • Olympus OM Zuiko 28mm AUTO-W T2.2 cf:10"

  • Olympus OM Zuiko 35mm AUTO-W T2.1 cf:10"

  • Olympus OM Zuiko 40mm AUTO-S T2.1 cf:11"

  • Olympus OM Zuiko 50mm AUTO-S T1.3 cf:1'2"

  • Olympus OM Zuiko 50mm Macro

  • Olympus OM Zuiko 55mm AUTO-S T1.3 cf:1'2"

  • Olympus Pen-F Zuiko 60mm AUTO-T T1.7 cf:

  • Olympus Pen-F Zuiko 70mm AUTO-T T2.1 cf:2'3"

  • Olympus OM Zuiko 85mm AUTO-T T2.1 cf:2'9"

  • Olympus Pen-F Zuiko 90mm AUTO-T T2.1 cf:2'3

  • Olympus OM Zuiko 100mm AUTO-T T2.1 cf:2'6"

  • Olympus OM Zuiko 135mm AUTO-T T3 cf:4'3"

  • Olympus OM Zuiko 180mm AUTO-T T3

  • Olympus OM Zuiko 200mm AUTO-T T5

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