Mechanix Rotating Camera Mount & Underslung Camera Bracket

Mechanix Rotating Camera Mount & Underslung Camera Bracket


Designed by our Grip Manager, Tom Strong, these two versatile mounting devices allow you to rig your camera in multiple ways.

The Mechanix TS-RCM (Rotating Camera Mount) has frictionless bearings and mounts via two 3/8” BSW bolts to a variety of accessories, such as the TS-UCB or Ronford Baker QRP. It has a lock off handle to firmly hold everything in place. It can mount to a single or two scaff tubes, as well as MOY.

The Mechanix TS-UCB (Underslung Camera Bracket) allows you to mount a camera underneath the TS-RCM. It can be adjusted to a variety of angles, including straight down for a top shot. It has multiple mounting points so you can locate the centre of gravity for your rig.

Below you can see examples of how to set up the rig for underslung, top shot, portrait mode and roll over.

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Underslung Mode

Top Shot Mode

Roll Over Portrait Rig