Tribe7 Blackwing7 Primes

Tribe7 Blackwing7 Primes


Purpose-designed for large-format motion picture imaging, Blackwing7 lenses from Tribe7 represent an entirely new range of tuned optics for contemporary filmmakers to use within their creative storytelling.

The set includes:

  • Tribe 7 Blackwing7 Binary 20.7mm T1.9 cf:7.5”

  • Tribe7 Blackwing7 T-Tuned 27mm T1.9 cf:14”

  • Tribe7 Blackwing7 T-Tuned 37mm T1.9 cf:18”

  • ITribe7 Blackwing7 T-Tuned 47mm T1.9 cf:19”

  • Tribe7 Blackwing7 T-Tuned 57mm T1.9 cf:19.5”

  • Tribe7 Blackwing7 T-Tuned 77mm T1.8 cf:2’2

Other focal lengths available:

  • Tribe7 Blackwing7 T-Tuned 107mm T1.8 cf:2’5”

  • Tribe7 Blackwing7 T-Tuned 137mm T2 cf:2’8”

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Additional info:

Designed through a collaboration between Bradford Young, ASC and Neil Fanthom, the Blackwing7's offer full-frame/large-format coverage and feature a robust design coupled with unique optical characteristics and customization options.

Blackwing7 optics exhibit unique imaging properties that arise from the introduction of controlled distortion during the development and manufacturing processes. This distortion is modular and allows a level of tuneability over key parameters that shape many creative characteristics of the lenses.


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